Alerts are critical occurrences and they require proactive management to ensure smooth operations and to minimize disruptions. Managing alerts effectively throughout their lifecycle is essential for event-driven workflows, alert and incident response, and business continuity.
Once the alert is created the Responders field shows who are notified of that alert. Once a responder acknowledges an alert, it signifies their awareness and ownership of the issue. Once the alert is created and a team is selected as a responder, the routing rules of the team are checked to determine which escalation/schedule should be used to notify. A team can become a responder to an alert through web UI, rest API, or integrations. An alert can be assigned to an individual, but multiple individuals, teams, escalation policies, and schedules can be a responder of an alert. Until the alert is acknowledged or closed, users are notified according to their notification preferences. Learn more about alert actions.
If an alert requires additional attention or expertise beyond the initial responders' capabilities, escalate it to the appropriate teams or individuals. Clearly define escalation paths and criteria to ensure a smooth handover of alerts. Regularly follow up on escalated alerts to ensure timely resolution and prevent delays in response. Learn how to create incidents from alerts.
Alert resolution and closure