Reports give you analytics and data visualization capabilities on how you use operations in JSM, how things are changing over time, and how your teams are performing.
You can view reports of individual on-call teams or reports of all on-call teams on your site.
a. Report of your on-call team
Team reports focus on your on-call team’s activities, performance, and the alerts that your team members receive.
You’ll have access to reports of only the team(s) that you’re a team admin of. At a given point, you can access the report of only one on-call team that you have team admin rights to. (fact-check this)
Learn more about roles, permissions, and rights
To add
Where to find team reports
What categories of reports exist (alerts, on-call, notifications) — can be found on the prod-site.
About the switcher that shows you site reports at a team level (only for site admins).
We can also clarify that you can view only this team’s reports (if you’re just a team admin), so they gotta navigate to a different team’s Operations > Reports to see it’s reports — you can’t access team2’s reports it from team1 — maybe this is obvious?
b. Reports of all on-call teams
These reports give you a general analysis of notifications, API usage, and more metrics that are common across several on-call teams on the entire site.
To access multiple on-call team reports, you’ll need site/Jira admin rights.
OR For this, you’ll need to have access to reports of teams by being a site/Jira administrator. (need to check this)
If you have site admin rights, you can view the team report of any on-call team as well by using the toggle button.
<Pic/GIF of toggle button>
Learn more about roles, permissions, and rights
To add:
Where to find these reports on the site
Here, it’s not a toggle but a select component that will let you see any individual team’s reports or site level reports (default).
Some team reports are not available at a site level (get clarity on this)
Some site reports are not available at a team level (get clarity on this)
How to access each report
Reports are only for work categories like alerts, on-call, (mention all)
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https://support.atlassian.com/opsgenie/docs/reporting-terminology-and-advanced-capabilities/ – will these translate into JSM?