
What does the integration offer?

Through API integration, you can access Jira Service Management services to create alerts and configure users, on-call schedules, and teams for third-party applications.

What does the integration offer?

A default API integration comes with your Jira Service Management account. You can use this integration to configure users as well as alerts. However, we recommend adding a separate API Integration for each of your monitoring systems.

Jira Service Management has built-in capability for integrating with many management systems that make the configuration easier. Before using API Integration, check our current list of supported applications; if you can’t find what you’re looking for, contact us.

Set up the integration

​Add API Integration

If you're using the Free or Standard plan in Jira Service Management, you can only add this integration from your team’s operations page. To access the feature through Settings (gear icon) > Products (under JIRA SETTINGS) > OPERATIONS, you need to be on Premium or Enterprise plan.

Adding an integration from your team’s operations page makes your team the owner of the integration. This means Jira Service Management only assigns the alerts received through this integration to your team.

  1. Go to your team’s operations page.

  2. On the left navigation panel, select Integrations and then Add integration.

  3. Run a search and select “API”.

  4. On the next screen, enter a name for the integration.

  5. Optional: Select a team in Assignee team if you want a specific team to receive alerts from the integration.

  6. Select Continue.
    The integration is saved at this point.

  7. Expand the Steps to configure the integration section and copy the API key for use in your API requests.

  8. Select Turn on integration.
    The rules you create for the integration will work only if you turn on the integration.

Define rules for creating and processing alerts

The configuration of an API integration involves defining many different alert scenarios. These scenarios specify how and when alerts can be created, closed, acknowledged, and so on. The integration comes with a default set of alert creation and processing rules; you can customize them and add as many rules of your own as you like. For example, you can add three rules for create alert, which means the incoming data is evaluated against these three scenarios in order and if one of them matches, an alert is created.

Dynamic properites (custom priority, payload, URL, and headers) are not available for API integrations.

Learn more about integration settings.

See also

Explore integration types

Explore integration actions

Add integration rules