On the Alert notifications tab, define your notification preferences.

Contact methods

Jira Service Management can send notify you through email, SMS, voice phone calls, or push notifications on mobile. You can add/edit and turn on/off your contact methods in the Alert notifications tab.

Notification rules

You can configure when and how to receive your alert notifications. Create a rule for each of your contact methods by specifying when to receive the notifications. You can delay receiving notifications for up to 1 day. You can add multiple rules and turn them on or off anytime. Jira Service Management tries each method one by one in the order you specify until you get to the alert.

Mute and quiet hours

You can mute notifications for a specified duration and specify certain time periods of the day as "quiet hours". During the specified hours, Jira Service Management would not send you any notifications. You can override this setting for urgent alerts by adding OverwriteQuietHours tag to alerts.

Verify your notification settings

To create a sample alert to verify if notifications are working as expected, do the following steps:

  1. Go to the Alerts page and select Create alert.

  2. On the create modal, enter a message for the alert.
    This is the only mandatory field for an alert to be created.

  3. Start typing your name in the Responders field.
    The auto-complete should provide a suggestion as you type. Select your name.

  4. Select Create.
    This creates an alert with only you as the recipient. The notifications for this new alert according to your set preferences should reach you.