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titleMethod 3: Configure from script

Configure apiKey send2jsm.go script. Build the script again and put the new executable into the /home/jsm/jec/scripts directory. Learn more about the location of the send2jsm.go and how to build a go script in the “Source for and recompiling send2jsm” section in this article.


The downloaded package includes the JEC utility (found in /usr/local/bin) and the script that JEC needs to run (found in /home/jsm/jec/scripts). Be sure to run JEC after configuring it. Learn more about about running JEC documentation.


The Zenoss integration package does not support SSL v1.0. If your Zenoss server has SSL v1.0, upgrade your SSL server.

Source for and recompiling send2jsm

The source for the executable send2jsm is found in /usr/bin/ and send2jsm.go, in /home/jsm/jec/scripts respectively and is also available in this repository. To change the behavior of the executable, edit send2jsm.go and build it by using the following command: go build send2jsm.go


title1. Zenoss alerts are not getting created in Jira Service Management

Run the following test command from the shell and check if a test alert is created in Jira Service Management: 

/home/jsm/jec/scripts/send2jsm -test

  • If you get a "Trace/breakpoint trap" error, the send2jsm plugin isn't compatible with the server distribution. Rebuild send2jsm.go according to the specific server environment as described in the “Source for and recompiling send2jsm” section in this article.

  • If the alert is created in Jira Service Management, the integration is configured correctly. Zenoss is probably not notifying the Jira Service Management contact for alerts. Check your Zenoss alert notifications log.

  • If the alert is not created in Jira Service Management, check the logs at /var/log/jec/send2jsm.log.
    Look for the following errors in the log file:

  • If there is no /var/log/jec/send2jsm.log file or there are no logs in it, check the following:

    1. Check if the Zenoss user has permission to write to /var/log/jec directory. The installation package should automatically do this for you. If you face issues, run the following command: 
      chown -R zenoss:jsm /var/log/jec

    2. Check the Zenoss server logs at /opt/zenoss/log/zeneventd.log. See if there are error logs regarding send2jsm. Contact us with the logs as needed.

Setting send2jsm plugin's log level to DEBUG

Set the send2jsm plugin's log level to DEBUG. Open the /home/jsm/jec/conf/integration.conffile and change the line send2jsm.logger=warning to zenoss2jsm.logger=debug.
