If Send alert updates back to Kayako is selected, actions for Kayako are run in Kayako when the chosen action is run in Jira Service Management for alerts that are created by Kayako.
If Create Kayako conversations for Jira Service Management alerts is selected, actions for Kayako are run in Kayako when the chosen action is run in Jira Service Management for alerts that have a source other than the Kayako integration. Learn more about mapping alert actions.
Select Edit on the configuration page to edit the integration.
Under the Authenticate for sending alert updates to Kayako section, select Authenticate with a Kayako account checkbox.
Enter values for the following:
Kayako Password: The password used to log in to Kayako
Kayako Subdomain: The subdomain used to visit the Kayako page.
Kayako MailEmail: The e-mail email address used to log in to Kayako
The subdomain must be "john" if the URL of the Kayako page is: https://john.kayako.com
Select Save.
Map Jira Service Management actions to Kayako actions when the source of the alert is Kayako (that is when the alert is created by Kayako) in the Send alert updates back to Kayako section. For example, add notes to a Kayako conversation when the alert is acknowledged. To do this, define If alert is acknowledged in Jira Service Management, add note in Kayako.
Map Jira Service Management actions to Kayako actions when the source of the alert is NOT Kayako (that is when the alert is created by another integration) in the Create Kayako cases for Jira Service Management Alerts section.
a tag is added to alert and a custom action executed on alert actions differ from other actions. When either action is selected, an extra field is provided to enter for which tags or for which custom action this mapping works. Enter multiple tags by separating the tags with a comma. If multiple tags are entered, the mapping works if the alert has one or more of the specified tags. Leave the tags field empty for the mapping to work for any tag.
If a custom action mapping is selected, specify the name of the custom action for which the mapping works. It cannot can't be left empty.
If a Jira Service Management action is mapped to multiple Kayako actions, an error occurs except for the A tag is added to alert and a custom action executed on alert actions. Save multiple mappings for these actions because they differ by the given tags and the given custom action names.