An alert created by an integration will have a level of importance. This is the integration’s priority level.
An alert may have one of the five different types of priority levels; P1, P2, P3, P4 or P5 . P1 indicates the highest priority, P5 is the least.
You can select P1, P2, P3, P4 or P5 manually. This way, the alert created from that integration will always have that priority.
To parse the priority from the payload, you can either
a. select {{priority}} dynamic field
b. select the Custom Value to Jira Service Management Priority.
If you select {{priority}} dynamic field, then there can be two different outcomes:
i. The integration sends a priority value and Jira Service Management parses and maps it to its known priority levels. The priority is set according to the priority value from the payload that the tool sends.
ii. The alert has an unknown value or the tool does have any priority information. In this case, the alert will get the default priority value, P3.
If you select Custom Value to Jira Service Management Priority, a new field shows up. This field is for you to give the expression to define how you'd want to parse the priority from the payload. The result must be one of the priority values that Jira Service Management allows: P1, P2, P3, P4 or P5. You can drag dynamic fields and use string processing methods. If the result is an unknown value, then the priority of the alert is set at the default priority value, P3.
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